Everyone's Dreams, Coming True?! - Translation Notes

Wondered what went behind the Everyone’s Dreams, Coming True! translation? All the puns, wordplay, and general nonsensical-in-straight-English things that slip by are explained here!

Chapter 1

Open Says Me! - While trying to find the passwords for the box, Ringo shouts out 「開け、ゴマ!」...which literally translates to “Open Sesame!”, when she actually says “Open Sesame!” in English. Having her say it twice sounded silly, but I decided to make them sound similar.
Bibbity Bobbity Boo! - This one I had to change from 「ちちんぷいぷい」, which is a sort of magical phrase in Japanese. So I swapped it with a magical phrase known here instead.

Chapter 2

Rulue’s Arts - So, we have the Puyoverse’s equivalent to a muggle. I kept her move names in their original pronunciation mainly because games like Street Fighter has that Hadouken and Shoryuken and all that stuff. It’d be very uncanny hearing them translated. For the record, the moves she used translate to Rock Crushing Palm Strike, Wind God Kick, and Queen Dance respectively.
Maguro’s stars - GET USED TO THEM. It’s not Maguro without the stars.★ (Maybe the stars are an indication of how his speech is weird.)
...so-called box is a puzzle box... - Specifically, they’re called Karakuri Boxes. Boxes with shifting panels that slowly unlock a box one move at a time. They’re not exactly cheap to my personal experience, but they’re pretty fascinating things.

Chapter 3

...cheerfully 100%! - Amitie was referring to the Hanamaru, a flower circle. This is essentially the gold star grade little kids get for good work. You know how in Yoshi’s Island, you get a flower drawn when you 100% level? That one! It’s pretty much that!
Schezo's speech in a nutshell - There’s two points to how Schezo speaks. His usual talk is some weird hybrid of old Enlglish-style syntax with modern English vocabulary. It does dip into older words, but it’s minimal. His speech is more modern than say, Ocean Prince, who speaks in Old English constantly. The other half is his infamous Schezo-isms. It’s usually one word that gets taken out of what he WANTS to say, and it goes in many ways off. He tries to say X, but it comes out as Y.
Arle snark - Looks like this is one of the first instances. She does snark but it’s far more tame than her Compile days. Back then, she was pretty savage. I tried to dial it up closer to her Compile levels, and there’s certainly a couple more moments like this, such as in Chapter 6.

Chapter 6

"Feast your eyes on the lovey-dovey climax of darling Satan and I!" - I PROMISE YOU I TRIED VERY HARD TO TRANSLATE THIS SENTENCE WITHOUT MAKING IT SOUND VERY AWKWARD. BUT I COULDN’T. It had to happen, but Puyo Puyo is known to slip some dirty jokes that DOESN’T come from Schezo’s mouth. This one was purely getting stuck in a rock and a place that isn’t safe for Schezo.
[...doesn't give two Nuisance Puyo...] - The sentence part it modifies translates to “and feels okay neglecting it”. One of the times I spiced up the snark, because Arle. The line is basically a G-rated version of “couldn’t give two shits”.
“You did good too, Kaa-kun!“ - This replaces [よろしく] a type of formality, but it’s in the context of “good job!”.

Chapter 8

"M- Miss-con-strew? What about his-corn-stew?" WORDPLAY. Wordplays are translation nightmares. Basically, I had to find words that are close to “misunderstanding” and “fifth floor” and sound close to each other. In Japanese, the words are 誤解 and 五階, and they are read as ごかい (gokai). I couldn’t. So I had to whip up my own wordplay. D: And it happens again in the same chapter!
Buttertie - Simple one. Sig calls butterfly!Amitie “Mushitie”, but that is just a portmanteau of “bug” and “Amitie” and “bug” is a very general word. Plus, “Buttertie” has the same number of syllables as Amitie.

Chapter 9

“Puyo-Puyo Puyo Puyo-Puyo~♪ Connect and pop them~♪” - LYRICS! Oh uh...this one was a bit easier to do since it’s loosely based on Amitie’s character song.
Bundling up in my blanket... - The word she was referring to here was “futon”. You know, those floor “beds”? It never occurred to me how housing and furnishings in Primp Town looked like. Though, Amitie said “bed” a few lines earlier, so I assumed she sleeps in a bed and not a futon, so I assumed she meant the bed sheets.


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