Amitie and the Mysterious Egg Chapter 4 - Magic School Friends

Every day, I study at the Primp Magic School. When I’m not studying spells, we have other classes like math and history. Arle and Ringo don’t attend the Magic School, but I have many other friends here. I can’t leave Tama alone, so I brought it to school with me. Though, I couldn’t exactly avoid drawing attention.
“M-Miss Ami…what’s that?”

This lone green bun-haired girl here, timidly peeking over at Tama, is one such classmate.
“Heyo Lidelle! This is Tama! I met it at the forest yesterday.”
“Tama, this here is my friend Lidelle! She’s really nice and polite and great and stuff!”
“M-Miss Ami…Don’t…”
I brought Tama over to meet Lidelle, and now she’s blushing. She did say “Nice to meet you, Mister Tama.” when they were at eye level. Ahh, that’s just like her. Always so courteous around everyone.
“Amitie? Are you sure you can bring pets to school?”
I was concerned about Lidelle, but then a voice from behind came in. When I turned around, there was Sig…and Raffina, the one with the pink, up-curled hair. Tama also looked at Raffina.
“Tama, this here is Raffina! She’s also a really good friend of mine. She can be a bit scary when angry, but super tenacious, up-front, and amazing!”
“Hey, who are you calling scary!?”
“See! Scary face! …Anyhow, Tama’s not a pet~. It’s my friend!”
I stood tall with great confidence, but Raffina sighed and shook her head.
“Well pardon me…that argument’s been done and one…”
In these situations, Lidelle or Sig are here to back me up.
“But but, Tama is cute, right…?”
Sig picked up Tama from my hands and placed it on Raffina’s shoulder. Tama started to play around with Raffina’s curls.
“E-Excuse you! Your cuteness won’t earn my approval…Ah- EEK! Stop that, Tama! That tickles! Keep those feathers away from me…Right now!”
Tama’s innocence left it confused about Raffina’s complaining, persuading it didn’t do a thing. Everyone laughed at the whole scene. Raffina, though, finally shouts “Okay! I get it! I won’t say a word about this!” and looks away, her face totally red.
“…Tch. Moving on , what exactly is Tama?”
Tama hopped back onto her shoulder as she crosses her arms.
“It’s not a bug.”
“I can see that!”
Sig’s always been the not-so-wise guy to Raffina’s straight girl. Off to the side, Lidelle tilted her head.
“Um…I…really like birds and animals, and I go to the forest a lot…I don’t think I’ve seen anything like Tama…”
“Hmm, really now~. Actually, I don’t really know what Tama is.”
“You too Miss Ami…?”
“Though, Tama seems to understand what it hears…but nobody understands what Tama’s saying~.”
Oh phooey~. And as expected, the super-smart guy heard all of that…Ah!
“Klug spotted!”
I happened to be nearby when he passed by, and he shrugged at me.
“Hm…? If it isn’t Amitie. I see you’re loudmouthed as usual, for what reason?”
This guy is Klug, the one adjusting his glasses while talking. He’s that Straight A’s kind of smart guy, always carrying that big ‘ol book with him everywhere. He’s a very studious guy too.
“Oh yeah Klug, maybe you know something about Tama!”
“What do you mean by “Oh yeah”…Do you need to ask me something?”
“Yup. Nobody here knows and we’re all stumped~. Could you help us out?”
Crossing his arms, he took up a rather happy stance.
“Fine with me…Is it about homework? A spell? Ask my supreme intellect anything.”
Klug’s always like this. Everyone agrees that when someone doesn’t know, Klug’s the go-to guy. He’s a bit stuck-up though, and never lets up on that~. Everyone doesn’t look too happy…but this is our chance! I took Tama off of Raffina’s shoulder and put it in front of him.
“This is the one. Its name is Tama! I found it in the forest yesterday, but I don’t know what it really is. Do tell me!”
With his glasses, he took a closer look at Tama and froze for a few seconds. …Huh? His usual expression is gone.
“This is… a feathered one, which I believe belongs to the bird family…”
“Uh-huh, everyone can see that.”
Raffina butts in on Klug’s rambling.
“Furthermore…I think this is just a pointless conversation.”
“Is that so. Still, nobody else really knew…”
Now Lidelle spoke up.
“What are you saying now…It’s not written in any book available….unless…” “You don’t know?”
And then Sig lands the final shot.
Looks like he nailed it. Klug started to stiffen up. Then Raffina just laughs it all up.
“Oh la-ti-da! You run your big mouth, a~nd in the end you knew nothing. Despite being a bookworm, you failed and it was all for naught, Mr. Goody Two-Shoes!”
Raffina continues to mock him, and she even pokes his face.
“Wh-Why you~!?”
Klug’s shouting through his bright red face. Oh fiddlesticks, there they go. No matter what, those two always get into a fight…

“Ah, umwelluh…Please stop, you two…”
Luckily, Lidelle was able to step in between the argument. She was near breaking down, and cried out “Mister Tama’s really really flustered…” But Tama…
“Kyuu? Kyuukyuu!”
For some reason, Tama’s content as always, jumping in between Raffina and Klug yelling at each other. Just what were those two chattering about? They both looked down at Tama, then each other, and now they just sadly dropped their shoulders. Ahaha, somehow Tama left them stunned!
“Hah…Honestly, that sudden display is just me unable to admit that there’s not enough information.”
Klug regains his composure as he cleared his throat and took a deep breath.
“Amitie, this Tama creature, where did you find it?”
“Ah! Er…Well!”
Everyone’s eyes were on me, and I told them about Tama and the Mysterious Forest.
“As you heard already, it’s all a mystery…”
As I finished up my explanation, Raffina mumbled to herself. Everyone else got this “I don’t get it.” face and looked at Tama.
Everyone gathered around to observe, Tama blinks at them, and they tilted their head. Weh~ Even if it is some animal I don’t know of, it’s still cute as ever~.
“Hm, now that things settled down, let’s go over what we currently know one at a time, Amitie.”
“What we currently know…you say?”
“Indeed. For example, what does Tama eat? It’s like a bird…so perhaps insects?”
That one line Klug said unintentionally got a reaction from the usually spacey Sig.
“T-Tama…doesn’t…eat bugs…!”
“Owowowow! Sig! Get that red arm of yours off me!”
“Do not…feed it bugs…”
“I-I get that you want to defend the insects! Geez, you’re strong…now let go!”
Sig continued to fiercely chew Klug out. He really means it, telling him not to feed it bugs up-front.
“Actually, Tama eats stuff we eat, for the most part. It’s such a big eater!”
After I said that, Lidelle says “Well then Mister Tama…Can you eat this?”, takes out a piece of candy from her pocket, and holds it in front of Tama.
“It’s a little snack….If you like, you can have it.”
Tama’s eyes gleamed and jumps at the candy.
“Aha…do you like it?”
“That’s good…”
“Kyu kyu kyu♪”
“Oh my! Well aren’t you a cutie?”
Next to us, Raffina’s eyes sparkled. Seems she got a bit jealous watching Lidelle feed it. Going into her signature yellow pouch, she dug around for something edible. Before long, her shining eyes found something to give to Tama. Her hand reached out for something from a square, pink box.
“Here you go Tama! Will this do?”
“Raffina? What’s that?”
I asked, then she answered, “Today’s meal is indeed what you’re thinking, a chunk of ham!”
“H-Ham for lunch!? So wild!”
“After training, meat is the best choice.”
Tama took a taste of the yummy-looking food, then it ate it up.
“Hehehe, you’re so cute♪.”
“Yeah…it really is…”
“Then, how about this?”
Sig left some nuts…
Then it went straight into Tama’s belly.
“Well I’ll be, I wonder if you can eat this?”
Klug got some chocolate, then grumbled “When you’re studying, sweets are best carry-on food…”
“However, if Tama is like a bird feeding it chocolate…BWAH!”
While Klug rambled, Tama joyfully leaped at the chocolate and interrupted him.
“I don’t believe it! Normal birds aren’t able to consume candy or chocolate…with this, I must reach a full understanding….”
Just when Klug was about to say more difficult things, the BING BONG DING DONG of the Class Start chime sounded. Everyone scrambled back to their seats, and our talk about Tama was put-off for now.
“…After all that, nobody at the school knew a thing about Tama.”
Ringo peered at Tama while she was talking. It’s now after-school time at the park. Arle and Ringo with Carbuncle gathered at the same place as yesterday (More or less, today, the Mysterious Forest didn’t appear when I took the road from school and, as I thought, I couldn’t find a trace when I looked around).
“From all that I heard, they’re barely acquainted with Tama like me…”
Arle’s eyebrows looked so sad.
“Everyone else says they don’t know, huh, Carby?”
”You too, Arle? I investigated the library first to gather more information, but I could not in the least get anything…”
Ringo crouched down at Tama going “Tama~ Just what in bisector are you?” and tilted her head. Tama mimicked her and tilted its head too, and with a “Kyu~?”.
“Ngh…Now it’s come to this!”
Ringo took out her bag and began digging through it. “What’cha doing, Ringo?” I asked.
With a “Huhuhu” and a proud grin, she got out a bunch of things one after another. A tape measure, a protractor, a magnifying glass…even a scale!
“With these physics goods, a thorough examination of Tama shall commence!”
“Physical condition, digestive system, heartbeat, muscle and also plumage quality! Dynamic yet dainty, commence examination!” Ringo declares. followed up with “First, your physical!”, she grabs her measuring tape and unrolls it.
“Kyukyuu! Kyuu~”
“It won’t hurt! Just give me a moment!”
Ringo urges on, and Tama backs up. W-Well, I really do think she’s trying to examine it…but with her gleaming yes, it’s kinda scary.
“H-Hey! Hang on, I got something nice on me!”
Arle calls out on the fussy Ringo and Tama, immediately grabbing their attention.

“Take a look! I got some of my bread with my original spicy sauce, homemade by Carby and me. How about it, Tama!”
“I got one for each of you!”
“Yay! Nice one Arle! Is it good, Tama?”
“Kyuu! Kyukyuu!”
After I asked, Tama bounced around and flapped its wings. Arle joyfully shared the bread around, and once one got into my hands, I immediately took a bite.
“Gee~ Tama, you’re really getting spoiled! Did you get a little bigger from yesterday~? You’ve grown!”
Ringo laughed at what I said.
“Ahaha, but it couldn’t have grow so rapidly, could it?”
For sure…B-But, it did eat so much yesterday, it surely did get big! In the end, Tama is still a simple enigma. Still, Tama is our friend. After licking off its after-meal dessert, I patted Tama, who went fast asleep. It’ll grow up well…I think. That simple request, I wonder how wonderful it will be to have that come true…

Now it’s the next day. I brought along Tama with me to school, my classmates brought various foodstuffs too.
“Um…I made too much dango…would you like some, Mister Tama…”
“Thanks, Lidelle…wait, how much is that!? Yet, they even match Tama’s small size…you made so much, and you made it all for Tama!?”
“E-Ehehehe…you caught me…”
Lidelle looked down at the ground and blushed bashfully. Next, Raffina cut right in.
“I believe I have something for Tama as well, for I have brought in many snacks! Let’s see, roast beef, a block of bacon, sausage and salami…”
“R-Raffina…totally wild stuffs, as usual…”
“Only but the beautiful cuts! Oh la-ti-da!”
For real though, the class smelled like meat the entire morning…It bothered me a bit. Right about now, Klug came by, clearing his throat.
“Salutations Amitie…I have snacks for studying during break…though, it appears I have some in excess. If Tama wishes to have some, I’m more than willing to share…”
“Thanks…uh, isn’t that a slice of chocolate pie, choco-chip cookies, and chocolate pudding!? Get real, now you’re bringing tons of stuff too! Is this really all for Tama!?”
As I exclaimed, Klug replies with “Wh…What do you mean by that! That is mere coincidence! Coincidence…” to start. Before anyone noticed, Sig was right behind him, taking the chocolate pie and giving it to Tama.
“Tama…you want this…?”
“Glasses’ food looks yummy.”
“Kyuu! Kyuu!”
Klug looked, and then he complained, ”Argh, no fair! I was the one that brought that, and you’re not the one to present it!” Geez, that’s just like him♪. Nomatter what Tama gets, it’s looks delicious and it’ll gobble it up. Its joy is so cute, everyone can’t help but care for it. Aah, Tama looks so happy, I’m glad I have so much help. While I was looking around and thinking, Lidelle spoke up.
“Um, Miss Ami…Did Mister Tama get a little bigger?”
“Looking at it yesterday, and until now, it is a little bigger..”
“Y-yeah. You think so too Lidelle? But after Ringo says there’s no speedy growth~.”
“But…um…well, could you look…”

I listened to Lidelle and looked at Tama. It was munching on a piece of meat from Raffina…huh? T-Tama, how…
“Am I seeing things? But just this morning…”
“It got bigger, didn’t it…?”
It ate so much, yet it isn’t all bloated. When I first met it, it was the size of my hand. Now, Tama’s big enough to have to be carried with both of my hands. It’s gotten bigger in no longer than one or two days! I realized it got food from everyone.
“….I-I’m surprised it’s growing up just fine.”
“Raffina…I thought you weren’t motivated to do this?”
Raffina and Klug looked surprised.
“I want Tama to be huge~!”
Tama’s determined too, but Sig all smiles, like his usual carefree, indifferent self. Uhh….Just what the heck is Tama?


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