Everyone’s Dreams, Coming True!? Chapter 8 - So Many Bugs!
"Hiya Amitie!"
"S- S-S-S-S-S-SIG!?"
When he came in sight, he turned out to be REALLY HUGE. He didn't say anything about becoming a tall adult. Instead, he's a giant that's over ten times my height!
"Ahahahaha..." Sig vaugely laughed, and in a monotone way. Whoah, that looks really fun...it only looks fun, it actually really isn't!
"What in the world is this!?"
"As of now, this is the most chaotic!!"
"What in the world is this!?"
"As of now, this is the most chaotic!!"
Both Arle and Ringo shouted in a panic.
"Why, why oh why did he get so huge!?" I exclaimed, then Sig went and answered.
"Bugs are easier to find like this."
"I can reach bugs if I got this tall."
"Th-That's your reason!?"
"I can reach bugs if I got this tall."
"Th-That's your reason!?"
For some reason, Sig would say something like that!
"Let me show you the bugs I got, Amitie. Here."
The giant Sig rummaged for something, then he took out and showed us his giant bugs. And wouldn't you know it, it's a giant beetle!
The huge bug was actually pretty scary! We couldn't help but scream.
Arle's suddenly got a stack of Puyo to try and fry the bug with a spell. But...
"Don't bully the bug..."
Right before Arle fired her spell, Sig suddenly grabbed her up! Get really real, we can't fight him like this!
"Ack! Let me go!"
Arle was struggling to see, and Carbuncle was angrily yelling. Before long, Carbuncle fired a beam out of his forehead gem.
Somehow, the beam managed to get a direct hit at Sig's hand.
Sig jerked his hand open, letting go and dropping Arle. Then she eventually hit the ground.
"S-Sig! D- D-D-Don't you find this weird!? You don't think this is a dream at all!? You really think you can get gigantic bugs from the beginning!?" I tried to convince Sig as best as I could.
"There's bugs over there."
"There's bugs over there."
Sig pointed over to what he talked about, which happened to be this one lone tree. There's no bugs though...or so I thought!
There was something clinging on to the tree...no wait, it looks like it's embracing it? I saw a gigantic beetle!
Sig quickly picked it up put it on his head, happily smiling.
"More, more."
*Poof!* *Poof!* *Poof!*
A giant stag beetle, a giant dragonfly, a giant butterfly...more of the giant insects appeared one after another as he kept pointing them out.
"A-At this rate, Primp's going to be Super-Bug Land, Carby!"
"C'mon, let's play, everyone."
"C'mon, let's play, everyone."
Sig smiled as he began to play with the bugs.
He was playing around with them all over the place too. We had to run away in a panic to avoid getting stepped on!
"What can we do about this situation!?"
"We can't stop him with a round of Puyo..."
"And he won't be able to hear our persuasion!"
"We can't stop him with a round of Puyo..."
"And he won't be able to hear our persuasion!"
Both Arle and Ringo shouted at the same time. As for me, I ran around frantically trying to think of something. Uhm, uhh! It's dream of Sig really loving bugs. How can I get him to wake up, then!?
"M...maybe it's- that...!?"
And then with one 'ping', I told them I had an idea.
"You have a plan of attack, Amitie!?"
"Tell us pleaaase!!" Ringo and Arle said. But...
"Ah...well. I don't think it'll work, though. Both of you will think it won't work too!" I waved my hands in a panic.
"Say what!?"
"That's 'cause...I am a complete klutz and a failure. I have zero confidence!"
"What's this all of a sudden!?"
"But Arle, but Ringo, isn't that true though?"
"You don't believe I'll become a wonderful magician! You said I'm totally useless~!"
"Tell us pleaaase!!" Ringo and Arle said. But...
"Ah...well. I don't think it'll work, though. Both of you will think it won't work too!" I waved my hands in a panic.
"Say what!?"
"That's 'cause...I am a complete klutz and a failure. I have zero confidence!"
"What's this all of a sudden!?"
"But Arle, but Ringo, isn't that true though?"
"You don't believe I'll become a wonderful magician! You said I'm totally useless~!"
It's all falling into a panic as I ran and shouted my true feelings, trying to hold back tears on the last line.
"Y-You're wrong!!"
"Still, all of this is just misconstrue!!"
"M- Miss-con-strew? What about his-corn-stew?"
"Not ‘his corn stew’, misconstrue! This is all a misunderstanding!"
"Could you stop fooling around!"
"Oh fiddlesticks! Well sorry for failing again!"
"A-At any rate, if this conversation is done, we should hide in that tree at once!"
"Still, all of this is just misconstrue!!"
"M- Miss-con-strew? What about his-corn-stew?"
"Not ‘his corn stew’, misconstrue! This is all a misunderstanding!"
"Could you stop fooling around!"
"Oh fiddlesticks! Well sorry for failing again!"
"A-At any rate, if this conversation is done, we should hide in that tree at once!"
Ringo pointed over at the park's tallest tree, and then everyone focused to sneak and hide in there.
"...Huh? Where did you all go."
I could hear his distant footsteps. It also looks like Sig lost sight of us because we're so tiny. But he could also find us in a wink! Ahh, what to do, what to do...and as I was thinking, Arle grabbed hold of my right shoulder.
"Heya, Amitie! About the dream you mentioned earlier..."
"Wha!? At a time like this~..."
"It's alright, we'll listen to the very end!"
"Wha!? At a time like this~..."
"It's alright, we'll listen to the very end!"
Then Ringo put a hand on my left shoulder. I couldn't hold still with these two on my shoulders.
"We never once thought you'd never become a wonderful magician."
"Uh...well, you said you couldn’t imagine myself as a wonderful magician, but..."
"We definitely said that. But not exactly that!"
"What did you say, Amitie? You said being 'wonderful' meant being able to do anything and doesn’t need help."
"You did say you want to do anything and don't need help. However, that would mean you won't want help from either of us."
"That would be a bit lonely for us."
"Uh...well, you said you couldn’t imagine myself as a wonderful magician, but..."
"We definitely said that. But not exactly that!"
"What did you say, Amitie? You said being 'wonderful' meant being able to do anything and doesn’t need help."
"You did say you want to do anything and don't need help. However, that would mean you won't want help from either of us."
"That would be a bit lonely for us."
They alternated between words for that last part and I started blushing a bit. ...I-It's embarrassing isn't it?
"Oh gee...what can I say now?"
"Giving up on what you said earlier isn't you, though!"
"Geez! I- I'd be dead weight without you two, and my confidence would've taken a huge dive!"
"Misinterpretation is just a minor error, but we felt a hole in our heart when you said you 'don't need help'."
"Mis-in-ter-preh-tay-shun? You want to mash in the potato?"
"And you can mess around like that too!"
"Ah, b-b-b-but I did that on purpose!"
"Giving up on what you said earlier isn't you, though!"
"Geez! I- I'd be dead weight without you two, and my confidence would've taken a huge dive!"
"Misinterpretation is just a minor error, but we felt a hole in our heart when you said you 'don't need help'."
"Mis-in-ter-preh-tay-shun? You want to mash in the potato?"
"And you can mess around like that too!"
"Ah, b-b-b-but I did that on purpose!"
"Guguu!" Carbuncle cried out when the footsteps got closer.
"I found you. Let's go play here."
"I found you. Let's go play here."
Fiddlesticks, the giant Sig found us while we were talking away!
"How about it, Amitie? You have a spell that can stop Sig, don't you?" Arle quickly asked.
"Oh yes. Do inform us of that." Ringo was also in a hurry. I nodded at them.
"Right. I don't know if it'll work or not though. You see...it looks like Sig only allows bugs on his head..."
"Oh yes. Do inform us of that." Ringo was also in a hurry. I nodded at them.
"Right. I don't know if it'll work or not though. You see...it looks like Sig only allows bugs on his head..."
Goody goody, Arle and Ringo are nodding with me.
"So then, you think you could listen to the bug."
Arle and Ringo rolled their eyes.
"What I mean is...I want to try being the bug!"
I created an image for the little chest, wanting to turn into Sig's favorite bug.
The dream smoke began to surround my entire body. And the very next moment, I sprouted butterfly wings on my back.
"Oh goody, it worked! Alrighty, I'm off to tell Sig!"
"Th- This is overly absurd!"
"Th- This is overly absurd!"
I fluttered away, leaving behind a stunned Arle and Ringo. Okay good, I can fly just fine. But this is just a dream though!

"Amitie...? Buttertie..."
His eyes were sparkling and he held out his hand. I gently dropped myself on top of the giant hand.
Sig couldn't find a thing to say, and not just because he's really quiet. Still, I'm glad he's enjoying it. Nice, just as planned!
"Heya, Sig. I got something important to tell you. Got time to listen?"
"All of this you're seeing is all a dream! Please, open your eyes! If you don't, something bad will happen!"
"You think it's fun and all, but you probably haven't noticed it yet..."
"Got it."
"But this'll be bad news at this rate! ...so-"
"I'll wake up."
"Eeh!? That was quick!!"
"All of this you're seeing is all a dream! Please, open your eyes! If you don't, something bad will happen!"
"You think it's fun and all, but you probably haven't noticed it yet..."
"Got it."
"But this'll be bad news at this rate! ...so-"
"I'll wake up."
"Eeh!? That was quick!!"
Sig lazily nodded. I thought there'd be more to do, but at least it quickly worked out, right?
"U-...Uhmm, so you do get it...Neato, so that's the power of bugs. You really do love them, huh."
With a poof here and there, the giant bugs around him began disappearing.
"He hasn't really woken up, has he."
The moment I said that, a hissing sound happened and Sig gradually shrunk down. Oh, so his dream is over, then.
"This isn't looking good, I need to get out of here!"
I jumped off of Sig's hand and down to the ground.
"Sorry." Sig said to me, after having shrunk down to normal.
"Eh!? Uh, ok, sure!"
"Eh!? Uh, ok, sure!"
I quickly waved my hands after his apology. It wasn't that tough in the end, though, flying like a bug was pretty fun. He did look a bit confused, but he gave a small nod before saying "Bye-bye." And with a "Poof!" he's disappeared into the last of the Dream Mist.
"Whew...Glad it worked out~!"
I let out a sigh of relief knowing the little chest suck up Sig's Dream Mist.
Arle, Ringo, and also Carbuncle called to me and rushed on over.
"You did it Amitie!"
"Well done, Amitie!"
"Ehehe, so it did work after all~"
"Well done, Amitie!"
"Ehehe, so it did work after all~"
All this praise is embarrassing me.
"We were really worried about you~"
"The great flight was truly creative, Amitie."
"That was really wonderful too!"
"The great flight was truly creative, Amitie."
"That was really wonderful too!"
Arle and Ringo let out a laugh.
I repeated after them, "Did you guys just call me 'wonderful' just now?"
I repeated after them, "Did you guys just call me 'wonderful' just now?"
Arle and Ringo blankly swapped looks. Then they looked back at me.
"Yeah...I think so."
"Using powerful magic, getting perfect grades, and being skilled in Puyo. Being wonderful, as you say, isn't all just that."
"Amitie is Amitie. You work hard, you think of your friends, and your constant energy is what makes you wonderful!"
"Just stay who you are."
"I like this Amitie better than the image of the cool Amitie you made up!"
"Gu gu!"
"Using powerful magic, getting perfect grades, and being skilled in Puyo. Being wonderful, as you say, isn't all just that."
"Amitie is Amitie. You work hard, you think of your friends, and your constant energy is what makes you wonderful!"
"Just stay who you are."
"I like this Amitie better than the image of the cool Amitie you made up!"
"Gu gu!"
All of these rapid fire compliments from them is seriously making me blush so hard. I'm so happy though, like super happy! But they're telling it straight up and all...
"Huh? Amitie, are you embarrassed?"
"...Y-yup. I'm not used to all this praise~..."
"But we're being so forward to avoid a misunderstanding."
"...Y-yup. I'm not used to all this praise~..."
"But we're being so forward to avoid a misunderstanding."
I got even redder and they're even laughing at me. Uhm. Don't tell me they're just messing with me!
"Okay, that's enough~! On to the next one! Next!" I shouted, trying to end this conversation."
"Sure, gotcha! We're pretty far in, so the next one...uh, who's next?" She asked, tilting her head mid-sentence.
"Are there any others that touched the box?"
"Uh, now that you mention it..."
"Sure, gotcha! We're pretty far in, so the next one...uh, who's next?" She asked, tilting her head mid-sentence.
"Are there any others that touched the box?"
"Uh, now that you mention it..."
Ringo nodded.
"I guess we're done here."
"Then that means the preparations to seal it are in place?"
"Then that means the preparations to seal it are in place?"
As we were discussing it, the sound of metal boots came close.
"You three...are you faring well?"
Please updaaate 😞