Sig’s Secret Chapter 5 - Sig’s Anxiety

Primp Festival is getting closer by the day. For just that day, Sig and I went to the park to decorate the cafe. Looking at it now, it looks like we did a lot of work on the festival prep. The Primp townfolk are sure to be out and about at the stands of course, with a big stage placed at the heart of it all, complete with some hanging lanterns. I'm getting hyped up by just looking at it! Sig and I lined up the tables and chairs Arle and Ringo built, while Raffine and Klug are setting up the framework. When that's ready, the colorful cloth can be put up to make a roof-like shape...okay, it's looking more like a cafe now! On top of that, we got the origami stars and flowers all hung up, and to round it off, everyone's lining it with moonsunflowers.