Amitie and the Mysterious Egg Chapter 6 - Don't be so Absurd

After all that...Tama’s “Training” keeps going with everyone working together. “Even now, just climbing the hill is like grist to the mill. This time how about letting it ride a skateboard up then down the hill? “Ringo...That’s probably even more dangerous!” “Kyuuu!” “Carby says he’s not bored this time. You should go practice flight training together! Trust in Carby, Tama!” “Guu...” “Arle...Carbuncle’s bored and sleepy already~!” “Kyukyuu!” "I've whipped up a new intensive training menu! This time, we do dumbbell lifts while tire pulling, and then squats!" " that tire also yours? The heart name tag stuck on it does have 'Raffina' written on it though..." "Kyu kyu!" "Ah, Miss Ami, Mister Tama. I made some more food in here..." "Lidelle! T-Thanks... What did you make for us today?" "Spicy red hot juice and really nutritious sour manju..." "Aah...spicy and sour!...